Multiple Choice
Identify the
letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
| 1. | If
the total revenue of a farmer will cover his variable costs and some but not all of his fixed costs,
he will: a. | minimize his
losses by producing in the short run. | b. | not produce anything if he is
smart. | c. | show a return to all factors of
production. | d. | minimize his profits by continuing to
produce. | | |
| 2. | In
analyzing the ongoing farm business, depreciation should be considered as: a. | a variable
cost. | c. | an opportunity
cost. | b. | a fixed cost. | d. | an operating cost. | | | | |
| 3. | Which of the following statements describe the advantages of a family-farm
corporation? a. | corporations
do not pay income tax. | b. | a family corporation avoids personal liability and the
liability is limited to the investment in the farm business. | c. | there is little or no market for a
shareholder if he decides to sell his interest in the farm business. | d. | it is less expensive to establish a
corporation structure. | | |
| 4. | It
is profitable for a farmer to borrow money to expand his farm business when the borrowed
money: a. | returns more
than the cost of borrowing money. | b. | can be secured at a low interest
rate. | c. | can improve the level of
production. | d. | will increase volume of business. | | |
| 5. | A
decline in value of an asset over its useful life associated with use, age and obsolescence is known
as: a. | appreciation. | c. | inventory. | b. | depreciation. | d. | hedging | | | | |
| 6. | Which of the following is not a fixed cost in the use of a tractor? a. | insurance. | c. | oil and grease. | b. | depreciation. | d. | interest on
borrowed money. | | | | |
| 7. | Items that are least marketable and least readily converted into cash without
loss. a. | current assets. | b. | intermediate or working
assets. | c. | intermediate for working
liabilities. | d. | fixed or long term assets. | | |
| 8. | Livestock, land, and other personal property used to secure a loan. a. | collateral. | c. | mortgages. | b. | amortized. | d. | principle. | | | | |
| 9. | Long-term credit should be used to: a. | purchase cattle. | b. | purchase
machinery. | c. | purchase land and buildings. | d. | purchase
fertilizer. | | |
| 10. | One
of the most important points to consider in developing a lease between a tenant farmer and a landlord
is that it should: a. | be in writing. | b. | specify the land
description. | c. | state the type of crops to
produce. | d. | be an oral agreement. | | |
| 11. | When analyzing the profitability of a farm business, the first item to consider is
the: a. | cropping
practices. | b. | livestock enterprises. | c. | amount of machinery
available. | d. | return to owned resources. | | |
| 12. | Purchasing a larger piece of machinery in order to reduce the cost required to
complete a particular operation is profitable if: a. | the savings in labor is less than the cost of owning the
larger machine. | b. | there is sufficient capital
available. | c. | the savings in labor is equal to the cost of owning the
larger machine. | d. | the value of labor saved is greater than the additional
cost of owning and operating the larger machine. | | |
| 13. | By
diversifying crop enterprise rather than specializing in one major crop, the farmer
will: a. | reduce risk and
uncertainty. | b. | decrease annual labor efficiency. | c. | facilitate the use of more labor-saving
equipment. | d. | concentrate production knowledge. | | |
| 14. | Which of the following factors should probably be considered in deciding whether to
store soybeans until next spring rather than sell at harvest. (Assume that storage facilities
are already available on the farm). a. | need for capital at harvest and price
outlook. | b. | annual depreciation on storage
facilities. | c. | production costs per bushel of the stored
grain. | d. | original construction costs of storage
facilities. | | |
| 15. | Earnings in a cooperative are usually distributed: a. | on a basis of share holdings by
owners. | b. | on the basis of share holdings by
patrons. | c. | on the basis of patronage. | d. | on the basis of physical volume of
business. | | |
| 16. | A
marketing function which tends to regulate the supply of a product and has a stabilizing effect on
the price is: a. | grading. | c. | storing. | b. | processing. | d. | transporting. | | | | |
| 17. | Farmer Jones doesn't own, plant, or raise wheat, but has just purchased a futures
contract. Is he: a. | hedging. | c. | bearish. | b. | speculating. | d. | bullish. | | | | |
| 18. | Cooperatives differ from noncooperative corporations in which area? a. | no manager in a
cooperative. | b. | no board of directors in a
cooperative. | c. | how voting is done. | d. | cooperatives are never
incorporated. | | |
| 19. | A
farm net worth statement - a. | is required report for state income
tax. | b. | is used to
determine farm income. | c. | provides a financial picture of the farm business as of
some particular date. | d. | shows returns above all production
costs. | | |
| 20. | In
a Free Market, price is determined by: a. | the supply of buyers. | b. | the demand of consumers vs. the supply of
the product. | c. | a sales person offering a reduction from the sticker
value. | d. | the amount of rain and sunshine during the growing
season. | | |
| 21. | Planning for retirement, transferring property ownership and conserving the estate of
a farmer are objectives of: a. | income tax management. | c. | a trust. | b. | estate
planning. | d. | a will. | | | | |
| 22. | If
one pound of soybean meal will substitute for 1.2 pounds of linseed meal of equal nutritional value
and soybean meal sells for 5.2 cents per pound and linseed meal sells for 4 cents per pound, the
livestock farmer who wishes to make the largest net profit should: a. | feed 68% soybean meal and 32% linseed
meal. | b. | feed all soybean meal. | c. | feed 20% soybean meal and 80% linseed
meal. | d. | feed all linseed meal. | | |
| 23. | An
example of a fixed cost is: a. | repair parts for the mower. | b. | concentrate to mix with
grains. | c. | gas, oil and grease. | d. | interest on
investment. | | |
| 24. | A
good use of cash flow planning is to: a. | obtain a loan for operating
capital | b. | replace poor animals in a herd. | c. | indicate which enterprises are most
profitable. | d. | compute estimates of income
taxes. | | |
| 25. | The
producer who engages in cash contracting or hedging is: a. | trying to eliminate yield
uncertainty. | b. | speculating. | c. | trying to eliminate price
uncertainty. | d. | usually does so during rising
prices. | | |
| 26. | A
budget predicts: a. | prices. | c. | income and
expense. | b. | net worth. | d. | inventory values. | | | | |
| 27. | A
feed dealer makes a credit charge of 1 1/2% monthly on all bills not paid by the 10th of the month
following the monthly billing on the first. The annual percentage interest rate would
| 28. | The
major advantage of renting or leasing a production input such as land or machinery is
to: a. | increase fuel
efficiency. | b. | increase depreciation allowance. | c. | improve output per
worker. | d. | release capital for other uses. | | |
| 29. | Operating loans can be acquired from: a. | insurance
companies. | b. | federal land bank associations. | c. | production credit
associations. | d. | the judicial branch of the Federal
government. | | |
| 30. | When one is negligent and therefore liable for injury or damage caused to someone else
what insurance covers this? a. | co-insurance. | c. | double indemnity. | b. | collision. | d. | liability. | | | | |
| 31. | When a farmer borrows money to purchase land, he usually must offer the title to the
property as security until the loan or debt has been repaid. This credit instrument is commonly
referred to as a: a. | sales
contract. | c. | mortgage. | b. | money market
certificate. | d. | check. | | | | |
| 32. | John worked for a building contractor during the summer and his monthly check stub
showed $61.00 deducted for FICA. This deduction was for: a. | Social Security
tax. | c. | State Income tax. | b. | Federal Income
tax. | d. | Investment credit. | | | | |
| 33. | A
net gain from the sale of real or depreciable property held more than one year is a: a. | capital
gain. | c. | postponed gain. | b. | deferred payment
sale. | d. | ordinary income. | | | | |
| 34. | The
demand for U.S. farm products is increased by: a. | our export markets. | b. | convincing Americans to eat less
food. | c. | by reducing the amount of land planted each
year. | d. | by government price support
programs. | | |
| 35. | An
annuity is: a. | a kind of
savings bond. | b. | a retirement plan which pays a constant amount of money
each year. | c. | a special kind of term insurance. | d. | a method of depreciating machinery and
equipment. | | |
| 36. | Mr.
Berry earned $15,000 from farming last year. His farming operations control $150,000 of assets,
of which $50,000 are owed (mortgage, operating loans, etc.). What was the rate of return on Mr.
Berry's own capital?
| 37. | An
increase in the price of steak: a. | causes a decline in the price of pork
chops. | b. | causes consumers to switch to eating more pork and
chickens, thus increasing the price of these items. | c. | reflects increased efficiency of producing
cattle. | d. | has no effect on the prices of other
commodities. | | |
| 38. | How
much investment credit can be taken on a $6,000 machine which will last 7 years? a. | none. | c. | $400 | b. | $200 | d. | $600 | | | | |
| 39. | A
series of payments of principal and interest to repay a loan is called: a. | amortization. | c. | rate of
return. | b. | depreciation. | d. | present value. | | | | |
| 40. | Whole life insurance provides: a. | insurance coverage for your automobile "for the
life" of each car. | b. | insurance coverage for the policy holder over his entire
life and may be a source of inexpensive loans. | c. | life insurance protection which must be
renewed every 5 years, and does not have a cash value. | d. | protection for your personal
property. | | |
| 41. | To
hedge a crop such as corn or wheat means to: a. | sell a futures contract when the crop is planted and
purchase a future contract at harvest to lock in a fixed price. | b. | speculate in the commodities
market. | c. | build a windbreak around one's
cropland. | d. | install an irrigation system to insure that you always get
high yields. | | |
| 42. | The
most likely source of loans for young farmers wishing to purchase a farm is: a. | the Farmer's Home Administration
(FmHA). | b. | their local savings and loan
association. | c. | their local P.C.A. | d. | a large life insurance
company. | | |
| 43. | Which one of the following groups of terms is used to calculate the fixed cost
of machinery and equipment? a. | taxes, fuel, depreciation, labor. | b. | fuel, depreciation, repairs,
insurance. | c. | depreciation, insurance, taxes,
labor. | d. | depreciation, interest, taxes,
insurance. | | |
| 44. | Tom
contracted to deliver 3,500 bushels of soybeans at $6.08 per bushel to a local buyer next
December. Tom's motive was to: a. | remove all risk from his
business. | b. | help out the local buyer | c. | remove some of the risk from his
business. | d. | guarantee the buyer will have soybeans at $6.08 per
bushel. | | |
| 45. | Joe
has $5,000 on which he can make 10% interest if he puts it in a savings account. Instead he
decides o invest it in hogs. The $500 per year in interest from the bank that he could have
received is called: a. | opportunity cost. | c. | depreciation. | b. | investment
credit. | d. | an annuity. | | | | |
| 46. | Sarah made a list of the plants on hand in her greenhouse operation and estimated
their worth. This was a/an: a. | inventory. | c. | liability list. | b. | acid-test. | d. | income statement. | | | | |
| 47. | Investment credit for a new piece of equipment can be used to: a. | reduce the lease
price. | b. | purchase other items from the
dealer. | c. | used as collateral for a bank
loan. | d. | reduce federal income tax. | | |
| 48. | Interest is: a. | the charge for a bank account. | b. | the charge for the use of
money. | c. | the charge for life insurance. | d. | the charge for the use of
collateral. | | |
| 49. | Assuming no inflation, a dollar received today: a. | has less value than a dollar received one
year from today. | b. | has greater value than a dollar received one year from
today. | c. | has equal value as a dollar received one year from
today. | d. | may have less or greater value than a dollar received one
year from today. | | |
| 50. | With an amortized loan over 25 years you will pay the lowest amount of the interest
during the
year? a. | 1st. | c. | 15th. | b. | 10th. | d. | 25th. | | | | |
Complete each sentence or
for questions 1-3:
A farmer wishes to fertilize his corn with 150 pounds
of nitrogen per acre. He can chooce between the following three types of fertilizer at the
prices shown.
Choice #1 -
20-0-0 at $90.00 per ton (2,000 lbs)
Choice #2 -
45-0-0 at $190.00 per ton
Choice #3 - 82-0-0
at $275.00 per ton
| 51. | If
the farmer selects the 45-0-0, what will be the cost per pound of actual nitrogen
| 52. | Which
fertilizer should be selected as the cheapest source of nitrogen? (Place the number of the coorect
choice in the answer blank)
| 53. | Using
your answer to question #2, how many pounds of fertilizer material must be applied poer acre in order
to apply exactly 150 pounds of actual nitrogen?
Income statement analysis, Problems 54 - 57:
Use the
following information to answer questions 54 - 57
Soybean sales
Coastal bernuda sales
Building depreciation
Increase in inventory of
livestock 14,000
Feeder calf
sales 42,000
Total farm cash
operating expenses 48,000
depreciation 11,000
in crop inventory 4,000
| 54. | What
is the gross cash farm income for this business?
| 55. | What
is the net farm income for this business?
| 56. | If
this farmer calculates his taxable income using the cash method of accounting, what will his taxable
income be?
| 57. | What
is the net cash farm income for this business?
Problem 58-60
Cash and
checking account balance $3,500
Mortgage on
land 120,000
Value of
machinery 50,000
Value of
land 250,000
Value of feeder
livestock 60,000
Loan at back
(due in 90 days) 40,000
Loan on
machinery 20,000
Value of grain
in storage 15,000
Interest due and
payable 5,000
| 58. | This
farmer has total assets with a vlaue of how much?
| 59. | This
farmer has a bet worth of how much?
| 60. | What
is the farmer's owner equity ratio?
Problem 61-63
Mark currently
rents is neighbor's swine farrowing house for $1,200.00 per year.
alternative is to buid his own house for $20,000. He can finance the full amount at 10%
amortized over 20 years with payments of $193.00 per month.
Complete the following partial budget to help Mark
decide what to do.
Additional Costs
Additional Returns
Reduced Returns (annual)
Reduced Costs (annual)
| 61. | Total
additional annual costs and reduced returns
| 62. | Total
additional annual returns and reduced costs
| 63. | Net
change in Income (indicate + or -)
Questions 64-67
Thomas is considering adding another 20 X 30 ft. section onto his
greenhouse operation. The environmental controls (heaters, coolers, etc.) in the house are
adequate to handle this additional section though his heating costs would increase by 1.3 and his
cooling costs by 1/4. Thomas grows fern hanging baskets year-round and currently produces 5
crops per year; 2,250 baskets per year in his 60 X 30 ft. house. Help Thomas decide whether or
not to increase his operation. Labor is not considered.
Current Data
60 X 30 ft. greenhouse
2,250 baskets per year
Selling price per basket = $5.00
Heating costs = $1,200
Cooling costs = $400.00
Variable Cost per basket,
pot, soil, plants, fertilizer, etc.) =
Data and Costs
80 X 30 ft.
greenhouse (total size)
| 64. | Total baskets produced per year =
price per basket = $5.00.
| 65. | Total Heating costs =
| 66. | Total Cooling costs =
| 67. | Use
the following partial budget form to answer question 17.
Additional Costs
Reduced Returns
a. Total
Annual Additional b. Total Annual
costs and
Returns and reduced
17. Net change in income (B -
(*indicate plus or minus)
A. Organization:
Bermuda.............100 acres
Annual rye
grown on corn land during winter
100 brood cows, 3
B. Financial
Receipts by
Corn........................ 30,000
Wheat....................... 19,000
Beef - Calves............... 27,000
Expenses by Enterprise (includes all
costs except labor and management.
Corn........................ 31,000
Wheat....................... 10,000
Beef cows................... 19,000
| 68. |
What is the
net return per acre for soybeans?
| 69. | What is the net return per acre for corn?
| 70. | What is the net return to labor and management for this
| 71. | What would be the total net return to labor and management for this farm if the 100
acres now planted in corn was planted in soybeans instead, assuming present yields can be
| 72. | Russell paid $1,000 down and financed the balance on a piece of land he paid $50,000
for. His current principal balance is $48,000. He is considering selling and has had the
land appraised. Based on the appraisal of $77,000 what is Russell's equity in this land?
| 73. | If
Frank borrowed $6,000 from the local bank to purchase his tractor at 15% interest (on unpaid balance)
and agreed to make annual payments for 3 years (equal principle payments), how much total interest
would he pay?
Frank purchased a tractor on December 1, 1982 for $8,500. Using
the accelerated cost recovery system for depreciation, calculate his depreciation on the
5 Year
Property Depreciation
1st year -
2nd year - 22%
3rd through 5th year - 21%
| 74. |
(a) What would
be his depreciation for 1982?
(b) What would be his depreciation of
1985? (answer)