Multiple Choice
Identify the
letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
| 1. | The
term cultivar
means: a. | A cultured variety | c. | A cultured person | b. | Someone who
stirs the soil to keep down weeds | d. | A cultured variety | | | | |
| 2. | The
greenhouse crop that is most responsive to increased levels of CO2 is: a. | Rose | c. | Tomato | b. | Cucumber | d. | Geranium | | | | |
| 3. | A
material that is applied to a plant to prevent it from growing as tall as it normally would is called
a: a. | Hormone | c. | Growth
regulator | b. | Growth retardant | d. | Growth promoting substance | | | | |
| 4. | In
order to assure that Easter Lilies will develop straight stems: a. | The stems are
tied to stakes | c. | The plants are
given short days for three weeks | b. | The plants are given long days for three
weeks | d. | The pots are
given a 1/4 turn weekly | | | | |
| 5. | The
major goal of an effective salesperson is to: a. | Make as much money as possible | c. | Become head salesperson | b. | Serve the needs
of customers | d. | Amuse the
customers | | | | |
| 6. | After
giving a quick overview of the items, the suggested number of items which a salesperson should place
before a customer at one time is:
| 7. | If
you have a work-related problem you do not know how to solve, you should take it to your
supervisor: a. | After you have
tried a solution | c. | With alternative
solutions | b. | For him/her to solve | d. | To complain about it | | | | |
| 8. | A
time clock, thermostat, or humidistat controls a valve called a: a. | Selenium
valve | c. | Mercury
valve | b. | Solenoid valve | d. | Gate valve | | | | |
| 9. | For
good germination, seeds of nearly all bedding plants require a propagation medium temperature
of: a. | 45o - 55o F | c. | 65o - 75o
F | b. | 55o - 65o F | d. | none of the above | | | | |
| 10. | Which
device is frequently used by florists to lengthen the life of flowers (such as the gladiolus) when
they are to be used in a dry Styrofoam base: a. | A water vial | c. | A water flask | b. | A water
pick | d. | An orchid
tube | | | | |
| 11. | In a
flower shop, a non-perishable supplies inventory should be done yearly in: a. | January | c. | June | b. | April | d. | September | | | | |
| 12. | The
designer of a pleasing flower arrangement has considered the following in making it: a. | Distinction,
focus, scale, contrast | c. | Scale, balance,
focus, harmony, rhythm | b. | Focus, balance, scale, harmony,
contrast | d. | Harmony,
distinction, balance, focus | | | | |
| 13. | If a
plant can be reproduced by several different propagation methods, the one that is chosen is selected
because it: a. | Gives the
greatest number of small plants | c. | Results in a
saleable crop in the least amount of time | b. | Is the easiest | d. | Gives plants the best shape | | | | |
| 14. | When
a black is added to a hue, the resulting color is called a:
| 15. | The
air volume of an even-span greenhouse that is 100 feet long, 25 feet wide, 12 feet high at the ridge,
and 7 feet high at the eave is: a. | 2,500 square feet | c. | 23,750 cubic feet | b. | 2,375 cubic
feet | d. | 47,500
cubic feet | | | | |
| 16. | Certain plants produce full size fruit that contains no seeds, (examples are
cucumbers, tomatoes, watermelon, grapefruit), the term that refers to such fruit is: a. | Gynoecium | c. | Angiospermatic | b. | Gymnospermatic | d. | Parthenocarpic | | | | |
| 17. | A
person is exposed to the highest concentration of pesticide during: a. | Mixing | c. | Cleaning
equipment | b. | Reading directions | d. | Application | | | | |
| 18. | Leaching is a term that refers to: a. | Damage caused by slugs | c. | Killing slugs and snails | b. | Washing out high
salts in the soil | d. | The action of
parasitic plants | | | | |
| 19. | Most
greenhouse crops stop growing when the air temperature goes above: a. | 80
degrees | c. | 90
degrees | b. | 85 degrees | d. | 95 degrees | | | | |
| 20. | When
a customer knows exactly what he needs, the salesperson should: a. | Try to up-sell
the customer | c. | Set several
designs before the customer | b. | Provide prompt and polite
service | d. | Inquire about
the use of the sales item | | | | |
| 21. | Carbon dioxide enrichment in greenhouses is used to: a. | Increase
production | c. | Maintain a
healthier worker environment | b. | Combat insects | d. | Decrease plant water uptake | | | | |
| 22. | If a
customer selects an item marked $8.90 which is marked 10% off, and there is a 3% sales tax, the
customer should be charged: a. | $8.12 | c. | $9.79 | b. | $8.25 | d. | $9.17 | | | | |
| 23. | The
earliest indication that something is wrong with a plant is: a. | A reduced growth
rate | c. | Brown leaf
margins | b. | Yellowish leaves | d. | Brown roots | | | | |
| 24. | A
record of the kinds and quantities of flowers and plants sold each week is useful primarily
in: a. | Planning future
purchases | c. | Planning
vacations | b. | Estimating sales taxes | d. | Following market trends | | | | |
| 25. | A
temperature of 160C is equal to __________ 0F.
| 26. | A
speckled leaf appearance with fine silky strands on the lower leaf surface and between leaves suggest
the presence of: a. | Botrytis | c. | Damping-Off | b. | Mealy Bug | d. | Spider Mites | | | | |
| 27. | A
dormant plant that consists of an enlarged stem with a basal plate, small buds, and papery leaf
bases, is a: a. | Rhizome | c. | Bulb | b. | Corm | d. | Tuber | | | | |
| 28. | A
starter solution for greenhouse tomatoes should be high in: a. | Nitrogen | c. | Phosphorous | b. | Potassium | d. | Copper | | | | |
| 29. | Shading compound is applied to the outside of greenhouses primarily
to: a. | Reduce the light
intensity | c. | Increase the
relative humidity | b. | Lower the temperature of the
plants | d. | Shorten the day
length | | | | |
| 30. | Approximately _________% of sales by the florist are by telephone:
| 31. | The
following oral pesticide toxicity rating is the most toxic of the four listed: a. | LD 50 5
mg/kg | c. | LD 50 800
mg/kg | b. | LD 50 83 mg/kg | d. | LD 50 4240 mg/kg | | | | |
| 32. | If a
customer in a flower shop has a complaint, the first thing that you should do is: a. | Write down
his/her name and address | c. | Refer it to your
supervisor | b. | Listen very carefully | d. | Ask the customer to wait while you check on what to do
| | | | |
| 33. | The
ventilators in a greenhouse range should be realigned: a. | In early fall,
every other year | c. | In midsummer and
midwinter annually | b. | In late spring, annually | d. | In midsummer every 5 years | | | | |
| 34. | Focus
in a floral design refers to: a. | Attraction of the observer's eyes to a
central point | c. | Attraction of
the observer=s eyes to the outline form of the arrangement | b. | A transition
from dark to central point | d. | A gradation of
sizes of flowers | | | | |
| 35. | When
a plant is "flagging", this means that it is: a. | Signaling to
another plant | c. | Severely
wilted | b. | Slightly wilted | d. | In a strong wind | | | | |
| 36. | A
watering system that conserves the most water in the process of irrigating plants is called
the: a. | Ooze hose
system | c. | Drip
system | b. | Spaghetti system | d. | Flat spray system | | | | |
| 37. | The
most important bedding plant grown in the U.S., both in numbers produced and season-long color
is: a. | Petunia | c. | Impatiens | b. | Pansy | d. | Geranium | | | | |
| 38. | A
method of applying pesticides to plants that can be effectively used in greenhouses, but not out of
doors is: a. | Fumigation | c. | Dusting | b. | Spraying | d. | Soil drenching | | | | |
| 39. | Wet
foliage at night: a. | Encourages
insect damage | c. | Encourages
diseases | b. | Helps promote photosynthesis | d. | Gives darker green leaves | | | | |
| 40. | In
chrysanthemums the term week-group refers to the time span: a. | From planting to
flowering | c. | From long night
treatment to flowering | b. | From pinching to flowering | d. | From planting to long night treatment | | | | |
| 41. | The
spaghetti system is a method for: a. | Mixing soil | c. | Watering potted plants | b. | Producing pots
of mixed kinds of plants | d. | Producing
Italian hanging baskets | | | | |
| 42. | The
most important reason why the cover should be removed very carefully after a bench has been steamed
is to avoid: a. | Being burned by
the steam | c. | Recontaminating
the soil | b. | Puddling the soil | d. | Weed sprouting | | | | |
| 43. | A
salesperson should do the following in closing a sale: a. | Suggest 3
alternatives | c. | Summarize the
advantages of the product | b. | Give a personal opinion when
asked | d. | Help with minor
decisions | | | | |
| 44. | "Shattering" of snapdragons refers to: a. | Premature
dropping of florets | c. | Splitting of the
stems | b. | Early dropping of foliage | d. | Sudden death of scattered plants in
planting | | | | |
| 45. | The
size and arrangement of a greenhouse range is determined by: a. | The number of
buildings to be built | c. | The size of the
greenhouse | b. | The type of construction used | d. | The requirements of the crops to be
grown | | | | |
| 46. | Failure to thoroughly mix the soil ingredients will result in: a. | Weeds | c. | Uneven
growth | b. | low pH | d. | Cold soil | | | | |
| 47. | Food
is translocated in plants through a tissue called the: a. | Phloem | c. | Cambium | b. | Xylem | d. | Cortex | | | | |
| 48. | What
percentage of their total incomes do florists spend for advertising: a. | 3 to
6% | c. | 9 to
12% | b. | 6 to
9% | d. | 12 to
15% | | | | |
| 49. | People who apply pesticides are required to be licensed "pesticide
applicators" under: a. | local ordinance | c. | state and federal law | b. | county
regulations | d. | federal
law | | | | |
| 50. | Soil
structure refers to: a. | the components of the soil | c. | both a and b above | b. | the size of the
soil particles | d. | the arrangement
of the soil particles | | | | |