Multiple Choice
Identify the
letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
| 1. | The propagation of geraniums
from seed is becoming more popular with growers because a. | The plants are free of systemic
diseases. | c. | Breeding has shortened the time from sowing to blooming to about 4
2 months. | b. | The plants are compact and free
flowering. | d. | All of the above. | | | | |
| 2. | The cover should be removed
very carefully after a bench has been steamed in order to avoid a. | Being burned by the steam. | c. | Recontaminating the soil. | b. | Puddling the soil. | d. | All of the above. | | | | |
| 3. | Rhizoctonia and
pythium are fungi which attack: a. | Buds and flowers of chrysanthemums. | c. | Roots and stems of poinsettias. | b. | Leaves of carnations. | d. | Stems and flowers of snapdragons. | | | | |
| 4. | Growth-promoting substances
are often applied to the bases of cuttings when propagating plants in order to: a. | Harden of the cutting. | c. | Induce node development on the stem of the cutting. | b. | Conserve moisture in the cutting. | d. | Speed the development of roots on the cutting. | | | | |
| 5. | What is the name of the
growth regulator frequently used on petunia crops to control legginess? a. | Osmocote | c. | B-Nine | b. | Malathion | d. | Benlate | | | | |
| 6. | For good germination, seeds
of nearly all bedding plants require a propagation medium temperature of: a. | 75 to 85 degrees | c. | 65 to 75 degrees | b. | 45 to 55 degrees | d. | 55 to 65
degrees | | | | |
| 7. | When new plants are produced
by means of a few cells removed from a stem tip or root, this is referred to as: a. | Stem tip propagation. | c. | Apicial meristem propagation | b. | Apomixis | d. | Single eye propagation. | | | | |
| 8. | When a plant is
"flagging", it means that it is: a. | Severely wilted | c. | Showing signs of nutrient
deficiency | b. | Slightly wilted. | d. | Showing wind
damage. | | | | |
| 9. | To add a cheerful, exuberant
quality to any flower bed which of the following flowers should be planted ? a. | Pink Madness petunias. | c. | Pink Coneflowers. | b. | White Rocket snapdragons. | d. | Blue salvia. | | | | |
| 10. | Which of the following is a
shade loving flower? a. | Cosmos | c. | Chrysanthemum | b. | Snapdragon | d. | Impatiens | | | | |
| 11. | The following nutrient
requirements must be satisfied in order to get pink flowers on hydrangeas. a. | pH 7.0, abundant strontium, low N, low P, high
K. | c. | pH 6.5, no aluminum, high N, high P, low K | b. | pH 5.5, abundant aluminum. | d. | pH 6.5, abundant aluminum, high N, high P, low K. | | | | |
| 12. | Pollination occurs
when: a. | A sperm and egg unite | c. | A pollen grain touches the stigma | b. | Pollen is released from the flower | d. | A pollen grain touches the ovary | | | | |
| 13. | If a hue is diluted with
gray, the resulting color is called a: a. | Value | c. | Shade | b. | Tint | d. | Tone | | | | |
| 14. | Which of the following is
not an annual? a. | Cosmos | c. | Zinnia | b. | Gas Plant | d. | Marigold | | | | |
| 15. | Which of the following is a
member of the Dianthus family? a. | Chrysanthemum | c. | Sedum | b. | Phlox | d. | Sweet Williams | | | | |
| 16. | Which of the following are
fungus diseases of plants: a. | Mildew, fusarium, damping off. | c. | Odema, mildew, damping off. | b. | Aster yellows, mildew, botrytis. | d. | Thrips, mildew, fusarium. | | | | |
| 17. | The process that a plant
goes through when sugars in the plant combine with oxygen to release energy is
called: a. | Photosynthesis | c. | Transpiration | b. | Respiration | d. | Translocation | | | | |
| 18. | Like textural appearance of
plants, _____________ can be used to create spatial illusions in a perennial
a. | Growth rate of
plants. | c. | Shape | b. | Color | d. | Staking | | | | |
| 19. | Soil texture refers
to: a. | The arrangement of the soil particles. | c. | The ratio of sand to clay in the soil. | b. | The size of the soil particles. | d. | The amount of humus in the soil. | | | | |
| 20. | A speckled leaf appearance
with fine silky strands on the lower leaf surface and between leaves suggest the presence
of: a. | Botrytis | c. | Damping-off | b. | Mealy bug | d. | Spider mites | | | | |
| 21. | The size and arrangement of
the greenhouse, head house and boiler rooms are most often determined by: a. | The number of buildings to be built. | c. | The location of the greenhouse. | b. | The type of construction used. | d. | The requirements of the crops to be grown. | | | | |
| 22. | Which foliage has the
heaviest texture? a. | Asparagus fern
| c. | Baker Fern | b. | Salal | d. | Huckleberry | | | | |
| 23. | When a black is added to a
hue, the resulting color is called a: a. | Shade | c. | Tone | b. | Hue | d. | Tint | | | | |
| 24. | Which foliage plant is a
vine? a. | Ficus benjamina | c. | Peperomia obtusifolia | b. | Cissus rhonlbifolia | d. | Nephrolepis exaltata | | | | |
| 25. | Commercial flower crops are
sometimes watered to cause leaching. a. | Watering to spread fertilizer nutrients more evenly over the plant root system.
| c. | Watering only to wet the top l/3 of the
soil. | b. | Watering to remove excess soluble salts for the soil. | d. | Watering by subsurface methods. | | | | |
| 26. | Which foliage would be most
appropriate in constructing a boutonniere? a. | Salal | c. | Baker Fern | b. | Pit | d. | Huckleberry | | | | |
| 27. | The correct state at which
to put forced azaleas into a lighted storage at 46 degrees Fahrenheit for holding up to two weeks
is: a. | When the first bloom is fully
open. | c. | When the flower buds have begun to swell | b. | When color is barely showing in the whole flower
cluster. | d. | When the vegetative shoots are l l/2 inches
long. | | | | |
| 28. | The width of the bow used in
a corsage should be ______________ (than) (as) the fullest part of the corsage. a. | Wider | c. | Slightly narrower | b. | Same width | d. | l l/2 times
wider. | | | | |
| 29. | A ten-week group variety of
chrysanthemum means: a. | They should be ten weeks old when potted. | c. | They bloom ten weeks after the start of short days. | b. | They will bloom ten weeks after sticking the
cutting. | d. | Cuttings of this variety being planted should root in ten
weeks. | | | | |
| 30. | Peat is often mixed with
soil for growing plants primarily because it: a. | Is inexpensive | c. | Has a low pH | b. | Has a good air and water capacity | d. | Absorbs excessible soluble salts in the soil | | | | |
| 31. | When transplanting, plant
seedlings should be handled by the: a. | Roots | c. | Leaves | b. | Stems | d. | Cotyledons | | | | |
| 32. | Cuttings of potted
chrysanthemums are planted at an angle to encourage: a. | Increased branching | c. | A more rounded plant | b. | Larger blooms | d. | Earlier
flowering | | | | |
| 33. | Carbon dioxide enrichment is
used in commercial greenhouses to: a. | Lessen the spread of bacterial diseases. | c. | Partially compensate for low light levels | b. | Aid in temperature control | d. | Increase the air supply for the growing plants. | | | | |
| 34. | The common name for
Zabrina pendulum is: a. | African Evergreen | c. | Wandering Jew | b. | Boston Ivy | d. | Grape Ivy | | | | |
| 35. | The pH on soil test results
stands for: a. | acidity
| c. | Potential hydrogen | b. | Alkalinity | d. | Potential oxygen | | | | |
| 36. | A friable soil is one
that: a. | Is rich in N, P, and K. | c. | Is high in clay particles | b. | Is loose and of good structure and texture. | d. | Requires humus and fertilizer to be productive. | | | | |
| 37. | Baptisia australis (False
Indigo) is: a. | An annual flower
| c. | A perennialflouer | b. | A biennial flower | d. | A grandiflora flower | | | | |
| 38. | The genus and species for
Femleaf Yarrow is: a. | Acanthus mollis | c. | Companula persicifolia
| b. | Achillea
filipendulina | d. | Asclepias tuberosa | | | | |
| 39. | Which of the following
flowers has the highest growth habit? a. | Feverfew | c. | Delphiniurn | b. | Basket-of-Gold | d. | Coral Bells | | | | |
| 40. | To use a flower bed to make
the yard of your home seem bigger, you should plant which of the following flowers? a. | Warm-colored flowers (reds, oranges,
yellows) | c. | A combination of warm-and cool-colored
flowers. | b. | Cool-colored flowers (blues, purples, lavenders) | d. | All white flowers | | | | |
| 41. | A perennial that is tolerant
of moist soil is: a. | Spurge | c. | Sea Pink | b. | Yarrow | d. | Globeflower | | | | |
| 42. | Which one of the following
perennials produces a fragrant flower? a. | Petunia | c. | Hosta | b. | Cleome | d. | Bearded Iris | | | | |
| 43. | The approximate range of
average annual minimum temperature for Climatic Zone 5 is: a. | -20 to -10 degrees | c. | -30 to -20 degrees | b. | 10 to 20 degrees | d. | 20 to 30
degrees | | | | |
| 44. | Fall blooming perennials
should be divided: a. | In early spring | c. | Mid summer | b. | In late spring | d. | Early Fall | | | | |
| 45. | Which of the following
insecticides should be used on beetles that are feeding on the flowers of roses and
dahials? a. | Malithion | c. | Round Up | b. | Weed-B-Gon | d. | Funginex | | | | |
| 46. | Which of the following
flowers is a drought-tolerant flower? a. | Nasturtium | c. | Four-o'clock | b. | Pansy | d. | Primrose | | | | |
| 47. | To increase the bushing of a
flowering plant while the plant is young, you should: a. | Apply a growth retardant. | c. | Pinch the tip of the stem(s) of the plant | b. | Increase the nitrogen in the soil surrounding the
plant. | d. | Increase the amount of water the plant
receives. | | | | |
| 48. | A shade loving border plant
is: a. | Marigold | c. | Dusty Miller | b. | Impatiens | d. | Chrysanthemum | | | | |
| 49. | A color scheme in a garden
that produces a carnival-like effect is referred to as being: a. | Momochromatic | c. | Complementary | b. | Analogous | d. | Polychromatic | | | | |
| 50. | Large gaps between new
leaves of house plants observed when buying plants suggest that: a. | Heavy doses of fertilizer have been applied to induce rapid
growth | c. | The plant is root bound | b. | The plants are infected with aphids | d. | The plant is anernic | | | | |