Multiple Choice
Identify the
letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
| 1. | The
florist's chrysanthemum is a: a. | Composite Inflorescence | c. | Short day plant | b. | Complex
hybrid | d. | All of the
above | | | | |
| 2. | A
granite-like volcanic material when crushed and heated expands twenty times its original volume
is a. | Limestone | c. | Vermiculite | b. | Clay loam | d. | Perlite | | | | |
| 3. | From
potting to flowering, the pot mum is a ____ month crop.
| 4. | A
sunny perennial border might consists of: a. | Tulip, Daylily and Delphinium | c. | Ageratum, Marigold and Lupine | b. | Dwarf fem, Hosta
and Loostrife | d. | Sweet William,
Vinca and Zinnia | | | | |
| 5. | Cultivars differ in the time required to reach a salable stage following the start of
inductive short days. This time is called the: a. | DIF | c. | Acclimatization period | b. | Response | d. | Finishing
time | | | | |
| 6. | Light
utilized in photosynthesis is termed:
| 7. | Vase
life decline is typically caused by: a. | Stem blockage | c. | Short supply of carbohydrates | b. | Cut flower water
loss | d. | All of the
above | | | | |
| 8. | The
most common disease of greenhouse roses is: a. | Stem rot | c. | Blackspot | b. | Powdery
mildew | d. | Downy
mildew | | | | |
| 9. | A
flat horizontal funeral arrangement of flowers is known as: a. | Smilax | c. | Swag | b. | Garland | d. | Spray | | | | |
| 10. | Primarily used on azaleas to kill shoot apices and promote lateral
branching: a. | B-Nine | c. | Off-shoot
0 | b. | Cycocel | d. | Cytokinin | | | | |
| 11. | Fungus gnat damage to plants is caused by the: a. | Winged
adult | c. | Pupa | b. | Wingless adult | d. | Larvae | | | | |
| 12. | Short
crooked rose peduncles often result from: a. | Excessive vigor | c. | Calcium deficiency | b. | Botrytis
Blight | d. | Excessive
soluble salts | | | | |
| 13. | The
bedding plant industry has been revolutionized by: a. | Drip
irrigation | c. | Resistant
varieties | b. | Low light cultivars | d. | Plug technology | | | | |
| 14. | Secondary colors consists of: a. | Orange, green and violet | c. | Orange, blue-violet and blue green | b. | Yellow, red and
blue | d. | None of the
above | | | | |
| 15. | The
light intensity at which respiration and photosynthesis are balanced is: a. | Photosynthetically active radiation | c. | Light compensation point | b. | Approximately
1,000 foot candles | d. | All of the
above | | | | |
| 16. | Failure of a bulb to produce a marketable flower following floral initiation
is: a. | Disbudding | c. | Damping
off | b. | Flower
blasting | d. | Dieback | | | | |
| 17. | The
principal choice of film plastic for greenhouses is: a. | Polyethylene | c. | Polycarbonate | b. | Vinyl | d. | Acrylic | | | | |
| 18. | The
natural process by which plants grow in the direction of the strongest light source is
called: a. | Photoperiodism | c. | Geotropism | b. | Photomorphogensis | d. | Pkototropism | | | | |
| 19. | Gladiolus corms are typically propagated from: a. | Rhizomes | c. | Cormels | b. | Bulbs | d. | Cuttings | | | | |
| 20. | Flowers are initiated in the Poinsettia as days become: a. | Longer | c. | Cooler | b. | Shorter | d. | Warmer | | | | |
| 21. | A
component of the greenhouse frame consisting of rafters, chords and struts: a. | Purlin | c. | Ridge | b. | Truss | d. | Eave | | | | |
| 22. | Hiemalis Begonia is very responsive to: a. | High nutrient
levels | c. | Temperature | b. | Carbon dioxide levels | d. | Bandc | | | | |
| 23. | A hue
with black added is termed a: a. | Chroma | c. | Shade | b. | Tone | d. | Tint | | | | |
| 24. | Silver Thiosulfate (STS): a. | Is an ethylene antagonist | c. | Promotes bacterial activity | b. | Causes petal
abscission | d. | a and
b | | | | |
| 25. | An
example of a day neutral plant is the: a. | Kalanchoe | c. | Rose | b. | Poinsettia | d. | Chrysanthemum | | | | |
| 26. | An
instrument which measures the electrical conductivity of a soil solution is called: a. | Manometer | c. | Photometer | b. | Tensionmeter | d. | Solubridge | | | | |
| 27. | Lilum
longiflorum, an important holiday potted plant, is commonly known as: a. | Kalanchoe | c. | Easterlily
| b. | Poinsettia | d. | Hydrangea | | | | |
| 28. | A
recessed or open front box to display a flower arrangement is called a: a. | Niche | c. | Spray | b. | Nosegay | d. | Tussy mussy | | | | |
| 29. | The
main reason many foliage plants decline indoors is related to: a. | Humidity | c. | Temperature | b. | Air circulation | d. | Light | | | | |
| 30. | The
percentage of the wholesale price added on to the wholesale price to cover overhead and profit, and
to arrive at a retail price is termed: a. | Markup | c. | Mark-on | b. | Sales
tax | d. | Value
added | | | | |
| 31. | A
good example of a CAM plant is the: a. | Poinsettia | c. | Rose | b. | Kalanchoe | d. | Chrysanthemum | | | | |
| 32. | The
most commonly used design for all-purpose vase arrangements and baskets is the: a. | Hogarth | c. | Asgrmetrical
triangle | b. | Symmetrical triangle | d. | Inverted-T | | | | |
| 33. | When
a stem is pinched back to allow fewer than 6 leaves to remain, this is considered: a. | A soft
pinch | c. | Green
pruning | b. | A hard pinch | d. | Adelayedpinch | | | | |
| 34. | Recent research indicates that Snapdragons are: a. | Short day plants
| c. | Unaffected by
boron deficiencies | b. | Quantitative long day | d. | Susceptible to a wide range of insect
pests. | | | | |
| 35. | Two
colors directly opposite one another on the color wheel are termed: a. | Balanced | c. | Direct
complementary | b. | Split complementary | d. | Analogous harmony | | | | |
| 36. | The
main commercial method for propagating African Violets is by: a. | Seed | c. | Tubers | b. | Crowns | d. | Leaf petioles | | | | |
| 37. | A
naturally occurring axin produced in apical meristems is:
| 38. | The
number one foliage production state in acres and wholesale value is: a. | Texas | c. | California | b. | Hawaii | d. | Florida | | | | |
| 39. | Nutrients contained in a solid, finely ground glass power are called: a. | Suspended | c. | Emulsifiable | b. | Frifted | d. | Flowable powders | | | | |
| 40. | The
most prevalent disease of poinsettias is: a. | Botrytis cinerea | c. | Mealy bug | b. | Pythium | d. | Bacterial soft
rot | | | | |
| 41. | For
optimurn vase life, most cut flowers should be stored at temperatures close to: a. | 35 degrees
F | c. | 30
degreesF | b. | 45 degrees F | d. | 50 degrees F | | | | |
| 42. | Orchids are distinguished from all other flowers by their: a. | Rostellum | c. | Zygomorphic
flowers | b. | Sepals | d. | a and c | | | | |
| 43. | Plant
texture is determined by: a. | The way the leaf feels to the
touch | c. | Plant
shape | b. | Foliage density | d. | b and c | | | | |
| 44. | The
least desirable way to water plug-grown seedlings is with: a. | A hand-held
nozzle | c. | Capillary
mist | b. | An automatic
mist system | d. | Subirrigation | | | | |
| 45. | Plants native to regions where summer is warm-to-hot and winter is mild or frost free
are: a. | Hardy
annuals | c. | Half-hardy
annuals | b. | Tender annuals | d. | Biennials | | | | |
| 46. | Most
new foliage plants are selected from: a. | Extensive hybridization
programs | c. | Naturally
occurring hybrids or "sports " | b. | Chemically induced mutations | d. | Interspecific crosses | | | | |
| 47. | The
toxicity of pesticides is quantitatively expressed as: a. | "Danger" | c. | Acute oral | b. | LD50 | d. | Acute
dermal | | | | |
| 48. | The
light receiving pigment in photoperiodic plants is: a. | Carotene | c. | Chlorophyll | b. | Phytochrome | d. | Anthocyanin | | | | |
| 49. | A
major problem in standard carnations which results in asymrnetrical flowers is: a. | Bullnose | c. | Multiflowering | b. | Calyx splitting | d. | Flower blindness | | | | |
| 50. | An
orchid which grows predominately upward is termed: a. | Epiphytic | c. | Monopodial | b. | Sympodial | d. | Terrestrial | | | | |