Multiple Choice
Identify the
letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
| 1. | The
term "texture," as it applies to plants, includes such adjectives as: a. | fine, medium,
and bold. | c. | corymb, umbel,
and panicle. | b. | smooth, fuzzy, and spiny. | d. | entire, serrate, and lobed. | | | | |
| 2. | A
garden that uses a complementary color scheme is one that: a. | uses flowers in
various tints and shades of one color. | b. | uses colors closely related to one another on the color
wheel. | c. | uses colors that are opposite to one another on the color
wheel. | d. | combines all colors. | | |
| 3. | Cool
colors include color combinations like: a. | red, red-orange, orange, yellow-orange,
yellow. | b. | blue-green, blue, blue-violet, and
violet. | c. | black, white, and green. | d. | yellow, pink,
and red. | | |
| 4. | The
kind of garden that shows the least design is: a. | beds. | c. | cottage gardens. | b. | borders. | d. | formal
gardens. | | | | |
| 5. | The
type of plant that lives for more than two years is: a. | annuals. | c. | perennials. | b. | biennials. | d. | cuttings. | | | | |
| 6. | The
best way to design a border is to: a. | mix all plant heights evenly in the
border. | c. | plant the
tallest plants in front, medium height plants in the middle, and shortest plants
in the back. | b. | plant the tallest plants in the middle and gradually plant
shorter plants toward the
edges. | d. | plant the
shortest plants in front, medium height plants in the middle, and the tallest
plants in the back. | | | | |
| 7. | When
planning on which plants to plant in your garden, you need to know which
climatic zones a plant will grow in. Which climatic zones is the Houston,
Texas area
in? a. | 4 and 5 | c. | 8 and 9 | b. | 6 and
7 | d. | 10 and
11 | | | | |
| 8. | The
reason for putting irregularly shaped stones, or broken pieces of pottery into the
bottom of a pot containing flowering plants is: a. | They let air
into the pot from the bottom. | b. | They allow the roots to grow out the bottom of the
pot. | c. | It helps the
soil to drain after being watered. | d. | It is just an old tradition passed down from person to person
and does not help the plants. | | |
| 9. | The
best kind of soil to plant flowers in is: a. | sand. | c. | clay. | b. | silt. | d. | loam. | | | | |
| 10. | What
is the purpose of "pinching" plants? a. | Pinching is the removal of dead
flowers. | b. | Pinching helps the plants to become
bushier. | c. | Pinching helps the plant by requiring less
fertilizer. | d. | Pinching is the removal of large insects, such as
beetles. | | |
| 11. | This
element is essential for strong stems, strong roots, and deep flower color. A
deficiency in plants shows up as weak stems and a yellowing and browning of leaves
at their tips and edges. a. | nitrogen | c. | phosphorus | b. | iron | d. | potassium | | | | |
| 12. | The
best time to water flowering plants is: a. | in the morning. | c. | in the evening. | b. | in the middle of
the day. | d. | at
night. | | | | |
| 13. | A
soil that drains too fast or too slow can best be improved by: a. | adding organic
matter, such as manure, leaf mold, or peat moss. | b. | adding
sand. | c. | adding gypsum. | d. | Nothing can fix
this kind of soil. | | |
| 14. | Most
perennial plants grow best in: a. | very acidic soils. | c. | rocky soils. | b. | alkaline
soils. | d. | neutral or
slightly acidic soils. | | | | |
| 15. | If
seeds are sown out-doors, when is the best time to thin plants? a. | when they are
fully grown | c. | when they have 2
sets of leaves | b. | when they have 3 sets of leaves | d. | when they have a single set of leaves | | | | |
| 16. | Which
of the following combinations are shade-tolerant perennials? a. | coreopsis,
baptisia, oriental poppy, rudbeckia | b. | hosta, lobelia, columbine, bleeding
heart | c. | daylily, yucca, peony, garillardia | d. | iris, veronica,
violet, salvia | | |
| 17. | How
many essential nutrients are essential to plant growth and reproduction? a. | three | c. | six | b. | four | d. | sixteen | | | | |
| 18. | When
is the best time to divide a mature chrysanthemum? a. | when it is about
three inches tall is the spring | b. | when the plant is not blooming during the
summer | c. | after blooming in the fall | d. | when it is
dormant in the winter | | |
| 19. | If
your soil is too acidic, you can correct it by: a. | adding garden sulfur. | c. | ammonium sulfate. | b. | adding ground
limestone. | d. | ferrous
sulfate. | | | | |
| 20. | Most
bulbs are planted in the: a. | spring. | c. | fall. | b. | summer. | d. | winter. | | | | |
| 21. | Which
of the following are groups of biennial plants? a. | coreopis, English daisy, honesty (silver dollar
plant) | b. | sweet William, hollyhocks, foxglove | c. | forget-me-not,
Canterbury-bells, viola | d. | veronica, wallflowers, pansies | | |
| 22. | When
seedlings grown indoors are moved outdoors, they must be _______ to be able
to survive in their new environment. a. | pinched | c. | transplanted | b. | deadheaded | d. | hardened off | | | | |
| 23. | Which
group of flowering plants benefits from being divided every few years? a. | perennials | c. | biennials | b. | annuals | d. | vines | | | | |
| 24. | Which
group of plants is summer to fall flowering? a. | yarrow, yucca, coreopsis, gaillardia | b. | oriental poppy,
rudbeckia, salvia, candytuft | c. | physostegia, peonies, iris, columbine | d. | daylilies,
bleeding heart, ranunculus, butterfly weed | | |
| 25. | When
planting bare-root roses, do not: a. | prune canes back by about a third of their original
length. | b. | soak the roses in a bucket of water before
planting. | c. | prune the roots. | d. | make a mound to
spread the roots upon. | | |
| 26. | Which
of the following are summer blooming bulbs? a. | fritillaria, calla lilies, grape
hyacinths | c. | tulips,
daffodils, crocus | b. | gladiolus, anemones, Siberian
squill | d. | montbrecia,
agapanthus, gloriosa lilies | | | | |
| 27. | Some
flowering plants, known as everlastings, have flowers suitable for drying.
They include: a. | zinnias, celosia, dahlias | b. | statice,
petunias, ammobium | c. | strawflowers, globe amaranth,
bells-of-Ireland | d. | yarrow, phlox, marigolds | | |
| 28. | When
cutting roses to use indoors or to remove spent blossoms: a. | make the cut
above the first strong, three-leaflet leaf. | b. | do not leave at
least two good leaves of the stem. | c. | cut directly below the first strong, three-leaflet
leaf. | d. | cut directly below the first strong, five-leaflet
leaf. | | |
| 29. | A
cutting garden is a plot of land set aside for the purpose of growing flowers for what
use? a. | outdoor bouquets
only | c. | supermarket
florist | b. | commercial florist | d. | indoor bouquets only | | | | |
| 30. | A
correct way to remove mealy bugs from plants is: a. | dab each bug with a cotton swab dipping in rubbing
alcohol. | b. | use a pesticide. | c. | use a
fungicide. | d. | rinse the leaves with milk. | | |
| 31. | The
fertilizer that you add to your flowering plants contains the following elements
in the correct order: a. | potassium, nitrogen, iron | c. | nitrogen, phosphorus, iron | b. | nitrogen,
phosphorus, potassium | d. | nitrogen,
potassium, phosphorus | | | | |
| 32. | Although technically not insects, these tiny pests can work havoc on
plants. a. | thrips | c. | red spider
mites | b. | aphids | d. | leaf cutting bee | | | | |
| 33. | What
type of water supply do cut flowers need to transport food and to keep the
stems stiff? a. | constant water supply | c. | periodic water supply | b. | occasional water
supply | d. | cold water
supply | | | | |
| 34. | Heavy-headed flowers, such as large mums, often bend by the flower head, nearly
breaking off. What should be done to temporarily improve this
situation? a. | use hot glue gun
to glue flower head on | b. | use string to tie flower head on | c. | use wire to tie
flower on | d. | insert tooth picks pointed through the bloom into the
stem | | |
| 35. | Which
of the following is not a purpose of mulch? a. | mulch keeps the ground cool | c. | mulch conserves moisture | b. | mulch limits the
growth of weeds | d. | none of the
above | | | | |
| 36. | Most
lilies are planted 6-8" below the soil surface. Which type needs to be planted more
shallowly? a. | tiger
lilies | c. | oriental
lilies | b. | Madonna lilies | d. | trumpet lilies | | | | |
| 37. | A
_______has a flower bud within it surrounded by layers of food supply. a. | corm | c. | true
bulb | b. | rhizome | d. | tuber | | | | |
| 38. | Which
of the following annuals can be propagated by cuttings? a. | petunias | c. | larkspur | b. | wax begonias | d. | cosmos | | | | |
| 39. | Plants need which part of the visible spectrum for good foliage
development? a. | all of the
visible spectrum | c. | green | b. | red | d. | blue | | | | |
| 40. | Round
nodules or long, irregular, highly branched swellings on roots are caused by ______and block the flow
of water and nutrients. a. | nematodes | c. | root gall | b. | white
grubs | d. | wireworm | | | | |
| 41. | Abnormally streaked or striped flower petals are a symptom of "flower
This problem is common on tulips, lilies, and gladiolus and is
caused by: a. | fungi. | c. | viruses. | b. | thrips. | d. | aphids | | | | |
| 42. | What
is the most important thing to do for bulbs to produce flowers during
years? a. | use a fertilizer
high in iron | c. | use a fertilizer
high in nitrogen | b. | use a fertilizer high in
phosphorus | d. | grow a good crop
of foliage | | | | |
| 43. | Which
type of rose has multiple large flowers on a single stem? a. | polyanthas | c. | grandifloras | b. | floribundas | d. | hybrid teas | | | | |
| 44. | What
is a good method to naturalize bulbs in the lawn? a. | line them up in rows | b. | throw them in
the air and plant where they fall | c. | plant them on a checkerboard pattern | d. | bulbs cannot be
naturalized in the lawn | | |
| 45. | The
removal of all side buds to produce a single large bloom on plants such as roses, dahlias, and
chrysanthemums is called: a. | deadheading | c. | disbudding | b. | pinching | d. | dividing | | | | |
| 46. | What
is a good sign that potted plants need to be repotted? a. | new leaves are
quite a bit smaller than older ones | b. | new leaves are quite a bit larger than older
ones | c. | leaves are
turning yellow | d. | the plant is becoming tall and lanky | | |
| 47. | Flowers and foliage can be attacked by these insects and cause colorless streaks and
withered flowers: a. | aphids | c. | coddling
moths | b. | red spider mites | d. | thrips | | | | |
| 48. | Perennials cannot be propagated from: a. | seeds. | c. | stem
cuttings. | b. | root cuttings. | d. | none of the above. | | | | |
| 49. | Most
indoor foliage plants need which kind of lighting? a. | direct
sunlight | c. | bright, indirect
light | b. | bright light | d. | medium light | | | | |
| 50. | Most
bulbs are best planted: a. | in areas with afternoon shade. | b. | in areas with
constant sunlight. | c. | in the heavy shade of buildings, trees, and
shrubs. | d. | in very moist soil. | | |