Multiple Choice
Identify the
letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
| 1. | Spring
bedding plants are generally started from seed in greenhouses during ______ in
Georgia. a. | November | c. | April | b. | January | d. | September | | | | |
| 2. | The forcing
time for Easter Lilies is about ___ days.
| 3. | The Begonia
plant has very tiny seeds which should be covered with ____ inch(es) of soil when
| 4. | Cycocel is a
(an) a. | insecticide. | c. | growth
regulator. | b. | faded flower. | d. | burned out Ag teacher | | | | |
| 5. | Water and
food are translocated in plants through tissues called a. | xylem and
phloem. | c. | part of the plant cell
wall. | b. | phloem. | d. | chemical growth retardant. | | | | |
| 6. | A solenoid
valve a. | is a good light
source. | b. | is a common source of problems with gasoline flow in small
engines. | c. | is a switch often used for controlling water
flow. | d. | regulates the heating and cooling system in a
greenhouse. | | |
| 7. | Cindy
discovers that her bedding plant starts, like her, are leggy, pale and weak. This could be due
to a. | low light in the
greenhouse. | c. | crowding of the
plants. | b. | excessive heat in the greenhouse. | d. | all the above. | | | | |
| 8. | Which of the
following is considered in the trade to be a Holland flower? a. | Alstroemeria | c. | Chrysanthemum | b. | Marigold | d. | All the above | | | | |
| 9. | Weeping fig
(Ficus benjamina) moved directly from a high light growing area to an interior room will often drop
its leaves because of : a. | moist heat. | c. | high humidity. | b. | improper
acclimatization. | d. | low
temperature. | | | | |
| 10. | During which
seasons will black cloths not be needed for short day plants such as cosmos to bloom, assuming no
interruption of the natural day length? a. | Fall and winter | c. | Spring and summer | b. | Winter and
spring | d. | Summer and
fall | | | | |
| 11. | The first
part of the new plant to emerge from the seed is the ___________. a. | root | c. | leaves | b. | stem | d. | endosperm | | | | |
| 12. | The red
parts of the poinsettia are not really blooms but modified leaves called a. | filaments. | c. | cells. | b. | bracts. | d. | petals. | | | | |
| 13. | Plants
should be watered early in the day a. | to aid in disease prevention. | b. | to allow afternoons for
more important work. | c. | because workers prefer the cooler morning
work. | d. | to compensate for night stress. | | |
| 14. | Which is not
a greenhouse insect pest? a. | Aphid | c. | Whitefly | b. | Scale | d. | Lady bug | | | | |
| 15. | Soil should
be heated to ____ for 30 minutes for sterilization?
| 16. | A roof or
ridge vent is part of the greenhouse cooling system and is effective if properly used
because? a. | hot air rises out of
the vent. | c. | cool air comes in
through the vent. | b. | wind blows in through the vent. | d. | none of the above. | | | | |
| 17. | When a
plants roots have completely filled its pot and become overly crowded, the plant is said to
be a. | over-potted. | c. | over-rooted. | b. | mature. | d. | potbound. | | | | |
| 18. | Which group
of holidays is most important for florist sales? a. | Memorial Day, Easter, St. Patricks Day | b. | Passover, Thanksgiving,
Sweetest Day | c. | Christmas, Mothers Day, Valentines Day | d. | National Flower Week,
Secretaries Day, Thanksgiving | | |
| 19. | Jackie sold
875 pottedGeraniums at $3.76 each. Her cost of production was $ 2.12. What is her net
profit? a. | $1855.00 | c. | $3290.00 | b. | $1435.00 | d. | $1585.00 | | | | |
| 20. | Which group
of plants is all generall propagated seeds? a. | Carnations, mums, kalanchoe | c. | Petunia, tomato, pepper | b. | Petunia, jade plant,
h:brid tea rose | d. | Thanksgiving cactus,
coleus, begonias | | | | |
| 21. | John used
seven different kinds of flowers in a floral arrangement. He ignored the principle
of: a. | simplicity | c. | balance | b. | scale | d. | proportion | | | | |
| 22. | The three
most common type floral designs for funerals are referred to as a. | trays, sprays,
baskets | c. | wreaths, sprays, mixed
pots | b. | wreaths, sprays,
baskets | d. | sprigs, bouquets, mixed
pots | | | | |
| 23. | Better Boy,
Early Girl, Big Boy, Rutgers and Homestead are all varieties of a. | tomatoes | c. | petunias | b. | peppers | d. | zinnias | | | | |
| 24. | Saucers for
plants to sit in often cause problems because. a. | root rot can develop if water is left standing in the
saucer. | b. | the saucer harbors insects. | c. | the plant may root into
the saucer. | d. | watering from the bottom is not a good
practice. | | |
| 25. | Topsoil is
seldom used in greenhouse production today because a. | its nutrient content is
unknown. | c. | it must be sterilized
before use. | b. | it is heavy. | d. | all the above. | | | | |
| 26. | The
percentage of potassium in a 5-10-15 fertilizer is
| 27. | Fumigant
pesticides are in a _______ form. a. | gas | c. | powder | b. | liquid | d. | solid | | | | |
| 28. | A commercial
fertilizer with a 3:1:2 ratio is: a. | 4-12-8 | c. | 12-4-8 | b. | 8-4-12 | d. | 14-4-8 | | | | |
| 29. | What do you
call a mechanical device, which introduces a concentrated fertilizer solution into the pipeline used
for watering plants? a. | Applicator | c. | Proportioner | b. | Audiometer | d. | Pump | | | | |
| 30. | If a soil pH
is acidic, apply: a. | nitrogen. | c. | potassium. | b. | phosphorus. | d. | limestone. | | | | |
| 31. | Plant
pathology is the study of: a. | plant diseases. | c. | plant structure. | b. | insects. | d. | plant
reproduction. | | | | |
| 32. | Backflow of
water and chemicals into the pipes of the domestic water system can be prevented by installing
a(n): a. | tomatic shut-off
valve. | c. | gate
valve. | b. | check valve. | d. | solenoid valve. | | | | |
| 33. | What type of
gloves should be worn when handling pesticides? a. | Canvas | c. | Leather | b. | Cloth | d. | Rubber | | | | |
| 34. | A six man
crew works on a job from 7:30 a.m.- 4:00 p.m. and takes 30 minutes for lunch.If your policy is to
charge $13.00 per man-hour for labor, how much should you charge for this job? a. | $72.00 | c. | $624.00 | b. | $484.00 | d. | $104.00 | | | | |
| 35. | Hydroponics
is a system of growing plants in: a. | nutrient solution. | c. | rock wool. | b. | hydrolite. | d. | hydrogrow | | | | |
| 36. | For a
compost pile to break down rapidly, it should be: a. | turned regularly. | c. | exposed to full sunlight. | b. | kept
moist. | d. | all of
these. | | | | |
| 37. | What
document(s) listed below is required by law to be on-hand and available to all
employees? a. | Telephone
book | c. | The supervisors
telephone numbers. | b. | Material safety data sheets | d. | Equipment manuals. | | | | |
| 38. | The correct
way to soak floral foam is to: a. | push it under water and hold it submerged for five
minuets. | b. | drop it into a pan and let it soak and sink slowly until about 1/4@
remains out the water. | c. | lay it on a drain board and run fresh water over it for 2 minutes from
a hose. | d. | spray it with a pump sprayer, holding the spray tip about one foot
from the foam | | |
| 39. | Plants are
described as hardy if they can: a. | grow under adverse conditions. | b. | survive without
irrigation. | c. | survive the winters in the area in which they are
planted | d. | survive late spring frosts | | |
| 40. | The numbers
on a fertilizer bag, such as 5-10-15, are referred to as the fertilizer: a. | analysis. | c. | rate
ratio. | b. | PPM. | d. | liter ratio. | | | | |
| 41. | Which of the
following is NOT a commonly used soil mix ingredient? a. | ground pine
bark | c. | vermiculite | b. | ground pine straw | d. | peatmoss | | | | |
| 42. | The process
of manufacturing carbohydrates from the raw materials in air and water is a. | respiration. | c. | transpiration. | b. | photosynthesis | d. | translocation | | | | |
| 43. | Ventilation
is necessary in a greenhouse to a. | regulate temperature. | c. | provide air movement. | b. | adjust the
humidity. | d. | all of the
above. | | | | |
| 44. | Susan wants
to order some Rainbow Coleus from her seed catalog. She found that an ounce of these seed
contained 100,000 seed. If she only needs 6,260 seed, she will need to buy ______ ounce of
seed. a. | 1/64 | c. | 1/128 | b. | 1/32 | d. | 1/16 | | | | |
| 45. | A restricted
use pesticide is one thatY a. | poses significant health or environmental
hazards. | b. | can be sold only by licensed dealers. | c. | is limited for use by
or under direct supervision of a licensed pesticide applicator. | d. | all of the
above | | |
| 46. | Which type
of cooling is most frequently used to cool greenhouses in Georgia? a. | Evaporative cooling
using a fan and pad system. | b. | Refrigeration. | c. | Evaporative cooling
using high-pressure mist | d. | Air conditioning similar to residential air
conditioning | | |
| 47. | The process
of removing the tips of shoots so as to promote lateral branch development in mums is known
as a. | pinching. | c. | pruning | b. | budding. | d. | thinning. | | | | |
| 48. | Retail
greenhouse operations most often are able to compete with chain store garden departments on
a. | price and
service. | c. | quality and
price. | b. | service and quality. | d. | convenience and price | | | | |
| 49. | Bacillus
thuringiensis is: a. | one of the first landscape plants produced through
biotechnology. | b. | a plant that resembles corunta hollies. | c. | a chemical
insecticide. | d. | a bacterial insecticide. | | |
| 50. | Which
statement is true concerning wire and ribbon sizes? a. | The larger the number,
the larger the wire and narrower the ribbon. | b. | The larger the number,
the larger the wire and wider the ribbon. | c. | The larger the number, the smaller the wire and wider the
ribbon. | d. | The larger the number, the smaller the wire and narrower the
ribbon | | |