Multiple Choice
Identify the
letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
Which of the following is true about ladybug beetles? a. | They can infest homes during the winter and eat
holes in clothing. | c. | They eat
aphids. | b. | They often sting humans when
provoked. | d. | All the above. | | | | |
logical question in response to a request from a customer for a
pyracantha is, Do you want: a. | a red or orange-berried
variety? | c. | one that blooms in the spring or
fall? | b. | an evergreen or deciduous
variety? | d. | the perennial or biennial
type? | | | | |
What is the item shown in Figure 1?
a. | a black
fence | c. | a fence to block the view of the construction
site | b. | a silt
fence | d. | a landscape mulch
cloth | | | | |
purpose of the item shown in Figure 1 is to:
a. | control
erosion | c. | keep out sunlight | b. | keep out
predators | d. | reduce weed growth | | | | |
Generally, most tree roots are found: a. | within a two foot radius of the
trunk | c. | within the dripline | b. | within a four foot radius of the
trunk | d. | two feet beyond the
dripline | | | | |
example of a good green manure crop is: a. | clover | c. | coleus | b. | ajuga | d. | bermudagrass | | | | |
more and more landfills are refusing to take landscape debris, landscapers are beginning
to: a. | burn most of it | c. | compost it on their property | b. | bury it on their own
property | d. | scarify the organic
materials | | | | |
What chemical would you recommend to a customer who wanted to control weeds and grass
growing between the bricks of a terrace? a. | 2, 4-D | c. | Malathion | b. | a pre-emergence lawn
chemical | d. | Roundup | | | | |
Johnny gathered seeds from a crabapple in the fall of the year, dried them, and stored
them in a sealed jar in his desk until he planted them in the spring. He got poor
germination. What was the most likely problem? a. | The seeds were no good -- they should have been
collected in the spring. | c. | The seeds did
not receive their required light treatment in the desk. | b. | The jar did not allow the seeds to breathe
properly and they died. | d. | The seeds did
not get their required cooling period. | | | | |
Which is NOT a recommendation for creating and managing a compost
pile? a. | keep it moist | c. | shred leaves before adding them to the pile if
possible | b. | turn the material
frequently | d. | it is best to compost leaves in one pile and
grass clippings in a separate pile | | | | |
items in Figure 2 represent the relative size of mineral soil particles. Which of the following
has them correctly identified?
a. | 1 is sand, 2 is clay, 3 is
silt | c. | 1 is sand, 2 is silt, 3 is
clay | b. | 1 is sand, 2
is organic matter, 3 is silt | d. | 1 is silt, 2
is clay, 3 is sand | | | | |
commonly used lawngrasses in the U.S. can be divided into: a. | perennials or
annuals | c. | grasses and broadleaved
types | b. | warm season or cool season
types | d. | spring or summer
grasses | | | | |
Which of these government organizations does NOT regulate the nursery/landscape
When Alan finished sharpening his rotary mower blade on the power grinder he noticed
that it had blue spots in several places along the cutting edge. What was
wrong? a. | Nothing, metal
distortion is common in mower blades. | c. | The blue spots indicate remaining dull places on the
blade. | b. | The blue spots indicate that the blade was made of inferior
metal. | d. | The blade was overheated, affecting its temper
and reducing its durability. | | | | |
Which fertilizer listed below has the highest nitrogen content? a. | 5-10-15 | c. | 8-12-12 | b. | 10-10-10 | d. | 4-0-0 | | | | |
Which of the chemicals listed below would be best to use to control
aphids? a. | Benlate | c. | B-Nine | b. | Malathion | d. | Daconil | | | | |
Which of the following are all evergreen? a. | Baldcypress, Canadian Hemlock, Mugo
Pine | c. | Chinese Elm, Bayberry, Russian
Olive | b. | Austrian Pine, Flowering Quince, Cherry
Laurel | d. | Cherry Laurel, Chinese Holly, Japanese
Yew | | | | |
What is the power tool shown in Figure 3?
a. | sod
cutter | c. | reel mower | b. | rotary mower | d. | vertical mower | | | | |
Which of these is NOT a primary or secondary plant nutrient?
Which factor below has the greatest influence on the rooting of woody
cuttings? a. | air
temperature around the cuttings | c. | nutrient
content of the rooting medium | b. | temperature of the rooting
medium | d. | air circulation around the
cuttings | | | | |
Generally, mulch layers around landscape plants should not be over ___ inches deep
after settling.
a turfgrass is mowed shorter than the recommended height, it causes: a. | the rooting depth to
increase | c. | no change in the rooting
depth | b. | the rooting depth to
decrease | d. | general root thinning | | | | |
Which of the following is a desirable makeup of potting soil? a. | 50% solid matter, 25% water, 25%
air | c. | 80% solid matter, 10% water, 10%
air | b. | 90% solid
matter, 10% water | d. | 90% solid
matter, 10% air | | | | |
Which of the choices has the three areas of the landscape shown in Figure 4 labeled
a. | 1 entrance, 2 play, 3
utilitarian | c. | 1 service, 2 private, 3
utilitarian | b. | 1 public, 2 private, 3 service | d. | 1 public, 2 domestic, 3 service | | | | |
Mowing the lawn in a different direction each time helps reduce the chance
of: a. | soil compaction and undesirable grain
set | c. | causing excess wear on one area of the
mower | b. | spreading disease and
insects | d. | excessive wear on one part of the mower
blade | | | | |
Recommended service intervals for jobs such as changing the oil in motorized landscape
equipment is usually measured in _____ of operation. a. | miles | c. | days | b. | hours | d. | months | | | | |
When propagating woody cuttings, a growth-promoting substance is sometimes applied to
the base of the cuttings in order to: a. | harden off the cuttings | c. | speed the healing process | b. | conserve moisture in the
cuttings | d. | speed the development of roots on the
cutting | | | | |
Ilex, Junipers, and Common Boxwood are usually propagated from: a. | stem tip
cuttings | c. | tissue culture | b. | apomixis | d. | leaf-bud cuttings | | | | |
When a plant is "flagging", it means that it is: a. | severely wilted | c. | showing signs of nutrient
deficiency | b. | slightly wilted | d. | showing wind damage | | | | |
Small engines for landscape equipment come in: a. | 2 cycle and 4
cycle | c. | 4 cycle and 5 cycle | b. | 2 cycle and 3
cycle | d. | 4 cycle and 6 cycle | | | | |
is the pruning style shown in Figure 5 not recommended for a hedge?
a. | Sunlight
cannot effectively reach leaves at the bottom and the plants become
leggy. | c. | The top of the hedge deflects water and the
hedge is often drought stressed. | b. | It is very difficult to prune a hedge to this style because
of the awkward body position necessary. | d. | The top of the hedge gets overheated in summer because
rising heat is trapped by the shape of the hedge. | | | | |
Pollination occurs when: a. | a sperm and egg unite | c. | a pollen grain touches the stigma | b. | pollen is released from the
flower | d. | a pollen grain touches the
ovary | | | | |
postemergence herbicide is applied: a. | to broadleaf weeds only | c. | before the weed seeds germinate | b. | after the weeds have germinated and emerged from
the soil | d. | just as the weed seeds are
germinating | | | | |
loss of water from plants through the leaves in the form of water vapor is called: a. | photosynthesis | c. | transpiration | b. | respiration | d. | translocation | | | | |
you were planting a bed at the foundation of a house to include all the following plants, which plant
would you put at the front edge of the bed? a. | Carpet Bugle | c. | Ilex crenata | b. | Daylily | d. | Taxus cuspidata | | | | |
Which of the plants listed has the coarsest texture? a. | Taxus | c. | Baldcypress | b. | Canadian Hemlock | d. | Oregon Grape Mahonia | | | | |
Which plant is a vine? a. | Ficus benjamina | c. | Ilex cornuta | b. | Pinus
strobus | d. | Lonicera
japonica | | | | |
system of pest control which incorporates biological, mechanical, cultural, chemical and genetic
management techniques is: a. | Biotechnology | c. | Systematic Pesticide Reduction | b. | Integrated Pest
Management | d. | Biotechnical Pest
Management | | | | |
structure in Figure 6 is called a:
a. | hot bed/cold
frame | c. | seed germination unit | b. | irrigation bed | d. | right-angle greenhouse | | | | |
What item is shown in Figure 6, item 1?
a. | an irrigation
line | c. | soil supporter | b. | a heating cable | d. | cooling fins | | | | |
Large trees used to frame a one story, ranch-style home can make the home seem ____
than it really is. a. | smaller | c. | wider | b. | closer to the viewer | d. | larger | | | | |
Red, Sugar and Norway Maples are generally pruned to have: a. | one leader | c. | co-dominate leaders | b. | two leaders | d. | no distinguishable leader | | | | |
condition in which the leaves are yellowing between the veins but the veins remain dark green
is: a. | nitrogen
deficiency | c. | iron chlorosis | b. | botrytis | d. | symptomatic of a virus infection | | | | |
Which of the following temperature ranges is used to define Climatic
Zone 5? a. | -20 to -10
degrees | c. | -20 to 95 degrees | b. | 40 to 50 degrees | d. | -10 to 100 degrees | | | | |
shade tolerant plant is: a. | Juniper | c. | Azalea | b. | Bermudagrass | d. | Hybrid Tea Rose | | | | |
keep the humidity high for rooting woody stem tip cuttings, ___ is usually used. a. | a mist system | c. | an underground irrigation system | b. | drip irrigation | d. | overhead irrigation system | | | | |
neutral point on the pH scale is:
What disorder of turfgrass is illustrated in Figure 7?
a. | Fairy
ring | c. | Rosy ring | b. | Slime mold | d. | This is not a problem in turf | | | | |
soil that is loose and has good structure and texture is described as: a. | flaccid | c. | friable | b. | flexible | d. | dense | | | | |
Botanical names are written in: a. | German | c. | Latin | b. | English | d. | Spanish | | | | |