Summer Leadership Camp
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Getting Information about SLC      
  • Go to for the most complete source of information
  • For regular announcements, be sure to "Like" the page at
  • For the Advisor Smartphone App, visit
  • For the general SLC App, visit

  • How to Register      
    1. Go to and click "Teachers" then click "Register" or scroll down. {Direct Link}
    2. Click the link to register. It is a Google Form.
    3. Be available by phone and/or email so that we can contact you if your week reaches capacity (see special notes below.)
    4. Once you receive the confirmation email that you are registered, you MUST send the deposit of $70 (for Week 1 & 6) or $80 (for Weeks 2-5) per student within two weeks in order to hold that space.

    When Does Registration Open?      
  • Registration opens at 7:00 AM on Tuesday, March 1, 2016.
  • High Attendance Early Registration will be open on Monday, February 29, 2016 from 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM. This is only open to counties that have at least 60 people registering for a single week.

  • Special Notes About Registration      
  • You can preview the Registration Form now! There is a link for a pdf version that is available to the right of the registration instructions at {Direct Link Here}
  • Be realistic with your numbers! If you drop students you will forfeit $70 (weeks 1 & 6) or $80 (weeks 2-5) for each student you drop.
  • Have backup weeks! The first three weeks will reach capacity within a few minutes of registration being open.
  • High attendance registration has never filled any weeks or even half of a week's capacity. It is needed, though, so that we can place these large groups that need to travel together.
  • We will close a week at 700 people and assume that the numbers will drop some before camp.
  • We will not be able to post that a week has reached capacity in real time. The registrations will come in faster than we can process them.
  • We will process every registration in the order that they are received. Every submission is exactly time stamped.
  • A week may close before we can process your registration. If your first choice week is no longer available, we will contact you and give you the options of either 1. Registering for another week, or 2. Going on the waiting list.
  • We will create a waiting list for the closed week for the chapters that cannot attend on any other week. The waiting list is sorted by time stamp. There is no guarantee that we can get you in from the waiting list. Remember that we already allow the weeks to exceed capacity when we close them, so we assume that it will drop to even make the week feasible at approximately 600.
  • Once a week closes, any add-on campers have to go on the waiting list.

  • What's New      
    Check "What's New" to get updated on some the important changes for this year. Here are some highlights:
    • We added another week of camp! We now offer 6 weeks to help accommodate the growth in numbers. Hopefully it will help keep weeks from reaching capacity as fast. 
    • We increased the price of camp. The deposit is still 1/2 of camp cost. Our goal is to keep SLC the most affordable camp possible, but we needed to increase the price to break even financially.
    • To help promote the early week and the late week we have a discounted prices for those weeks. Note that weeks 1 and 6 have lower price and lower deposit.
    • We made some changes for Advisor Children. Children age 3 and under are free. Children age 5 and over cannot stay in the cabin of the opposite gender. 
    • We closed a registration loophole. You are required to send a deposit for the exact number of people that you register online. We will invoice chapters if they do not send the correct deposit. We were having issues with chapters inflating their online registration and causing weeks to reach capacity, then they would send a smaller deposit. 
    • We are not doing the mud obstacle course on Thursday this year. We will have the mud run on Tuesday and will have a different competition on Thursday. We plan to rotate the mud obstacle course with a new competition each year. We plan to rotate the mud run as well so we will only have one mud event each year. 
    • We will offer a shorter distance for the mud run.
    • Dr. Al Snyder will return to perform a hypnotist show.
    • We added a step-by-step procedure to help you better prepare for the check-in process.

    If you have any questions regarding the information on this page, please contact Camp Manager Russel Towns.

    Phone: (770) 786-6926 ext 4


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