Open to any Georgia FFA or Georgia 4-H member
Saturday, December 9, 2023
Location: Georgia National Fairgrounds, McGill Building
401 Golden Isles Parkway, Perry, GA 31069
Check in: 9:00 AM - 11:00 PM
Show Starts: 12:00 PM - NEW START TIME
Entry fee: $5 per rabbit -
Checks can be mailed to 281 Hope Entrance Road, Fort Valley, GA 31030 (please postmark by December 2nd, or plan to bring check to the show.)
Make check payable to: Central Region FFA
T-shirts will be made if we have 25 sign up for them. T-shirt design is attached T-shirt sizes should be entered on the google document when entering the rabbits. Cost of t-shirts is $12. T-shirt proof is attached.
T-shirt order must be in by noon on November 27th. You do not have to have a rabbit to order shirt.
You will be able to enter 3 rabbits at a time on the google document. There is no limit to the number of entries. The rules are attached.
Click on address below for the google document for entries:
2023 State Rabbit Show Registration Link
4-H members defined - An exhibitor must be in the 1st grade or older on September 1, 2023 and cannot have completed high school. The Champion of the State Rabbit Show will not be recognized at the Special Events Banquet at the Georgia 4-H State Congress and will not be recommended for Master 4-H Status.
Contact Chris Corzine with any questions, or clarifications.