Hall of Georgia
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Hall of Georgia Registration      
The Hall of Georgia exhibits are an opportunity for local FFA chapters to engage in the Career Show at the state FFA convention. Attached are the guidelines for the 2023 Hall of Georgia.

If you are new, or do not have experience with the Hall of Georgia, you may be asking, what is it?
The Hall of States is a wonderful opportunity for FFA members to research and learn more about agriculture in either in their part of the state, or the entire state of Georgia. The Hall of Georgia booths in the past have been a wonderful addition to the Career Show and draw a lot of interest from convention attendees. If you are bringing a group of students to the State Convention and wonder what to do with their time; or if you have a group of students who want to attend the convention but you don’t have a “purpose” for them to attend, this could be a wonderful project.

There are some significant changes in 2023, so if you’re interested in the Hall of Georgia, please be sure to review this information carefully.

If your chapter has participated in the Hall of Georgia previously,  you may be wondering, what is different this year?
The 2023 Hall of Georgia is not a competition and will not include any awards. It is simply an opportunity for chapters to engage in the convention by creating a display and showcase agriculture in Georgia for convention attendees.
Why the change?  - First, there is no longer a national “Hall of States” event to send our Georgia winner to participate in. The national FFA convention is moving to an opportunity for any chapter in the nation to submit a video promoting agriculture, but there will no longer be a Hall of States with physical booths, so there is no need for Georgia to select a winner to travel to Indianapolis. Secondly, there is not a state sponsor for this award to purchase plaques or offer prize money. We will evaluate the national agriculture promotional agriculture videos this coming October and re-evaluate if Georgia needs to adopt that model.

Registration is due by April 1. Follow the information on the attached file and contact Mr. Reese Johnson at Camp John Hope (rjohnson@gaaged.org) to register for the Hall of Georgia.

Hall of Georgia Guidelines      
NameDate AddedSize
Hall of Georgia guidelines - 2023 3/20/2023 220 KB


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